Thursday, October 22, 2009


TODAY IS CANDICE'S 7th BIRTHDAY! WHAT A GREAT AGE! WE LOVE YOU CANDICE! Here are some things we love about Candice:
1. She has a tender spirit towards righteousness, wanting to please the Lord
2. She is lively yet sweet
3. She is tender, compassionate, and a nurturer
4. She loves her little sisters
5. She and her Daddy are fun buddies
6. She and her Mama are lovey buddies
7. She enjoys making videos/tape recordings, tap
dancing, pretend play for dress-up/mother/LittleHouse, playing outside, violin, doing math, doing anything doctor or medical, and is excited about the little things in fried eggs, escalators, watching Little House, and sleeping! (she say, "OHHHH GRRRREEEEAAAAT!)