It’s not just that you provide for the family, it's that you do it with supreme stewardship.
It’s not just that you work hard, it’s that you do it even in physical pain.
It’s not just that you parent the children, it’s that you give them your all, all of the time.
It’s not just that you enjoy being home, it’s that you want to be there more than anywhere else.
It’s not that you just lead our family, it’s that you lead us in the safety net of wisdom.
It’s not just that you say you love me, it’s that you show me by acts of service, gifts, and time together.
Its not just your love for God, its your love for others to know Him too.
It’s not just that you are a preacher, it’s that you live it out at home when the crowds are gone.
It’s not just that you read your Bible and pray, it’s that you won’t start your day without doing both for as long as possible.
It’s not just that you are a good man, it’s that you are the greatest man in the world!!!!
I love you Scotty!!!!! Happy Valentines Day 2010!